Here are the latest exterior shots of the house. The foundation is poured, folks. This is a HUGE step!!
Notice the lumber that's off to the side of the work site - that's for framing, which is next. Also, notice we've removed the back room of the house - this is where the new entrance will be.
Taking a trip down memory lane... The room that has been removed is what younger sisters have most recently called their lounge/snack room. When I lived in the house ('01-
'02 and '03-'04), this poor little space multi-tasked like it was nobody's business. We used it as a private study, storage, CLC bedroom, and even temporarily as a sister's bedroom in a pinch situation. Wonder what it was used for before all of that? This room was always in transition but inevitably ended up as the dumping ground for random storage items. I vividly remember the year I was a Recruitment co-chair for House Tours Committee and spent the summer doing random chores throughout the house with (sweet and oober-dedicated) committee members.
One project was to clean and paint the study. But before we did, I took pictures of it. This is the room that is now gone forever! Farwell, study!
Taking a trip down memory lane... The room that has been removed is what younger sisters have most recently called their lounge/snack room. When I lived in the house ('01-