Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Phase I is COMPLETE!


I don't know where to start. I cannot adequately put into words how astounded I am by the transformation of the sorority house. (For the sake of blogging, I will try.)

Sunday I went to the house for the HCB Annual Meeting; this was my first time inside the house since renovations began. I should have been somewhat prepared because I've been privy to the site plans and even some of the finishes. But walking through it - actually being within the walls - I was fulfilled and inspired in a way I didn't expect.

I counted and 397 S. Milledge has been home to at least 1,000 women over the past 25 years. This was home while profoundly formative years of college played out... (You tend to learn a lot about yourself with half of a dozen roommates!) And a LOT of great memories have been made because of this ole' house. A few spring to mind for me... Janet's wallpaper joke was the only cure for my mid-rush tired smile. And the phone conversations that happened on that back landing! Peering from the stairs by the attic down into the foyer to catch a glimpse of so-and-so-'s blind date. Exam cramming-turned-composition of "Hold Me Closer KP Taylor". Mysterious tater-tot discoveries... All of us - especially those of us who lived here - had our favorite and not-so-favorite parts of the house. So to see this home finally really given the dedicated attention it has long deserved, well, it's just so fulfilling. This house just sparkles!!

I've been inspired to attempt to get every alumnae into the house to experience this for herself! Meanwhile, over the next week (and as soon as I find my camera connector cord), I'll be posting picture after picture of the house.

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About Me

I pledged in 2000, and that's when I first heard we were going to renovate the house. I graduated in 2004, moved to Atlanta where I now live with my fellow UGA grad (and AKL advisor) hubby Eric. Since 2006, I've been volunteering with HCB. I have been an Atlanta-area Realtor for the past 3 years and now also serve as the southeastern property manager for Chick-fil-A, Inc. You can reach me at: