Saturday, May 30, 2009

IH Approval and the Study is GONE!

Michelle shared word today that International Headquarters has given us their blessing to close on the loan for this project. IH is not guaranteeing the loan, nor are they funding the project in any way as of yet, but we still needed their approval in order to keep things kosher with policy. That was our last hurdle before closing, so now we are good to go in that department.

Here are the latest exterior shots of the house. The foundation is poured, folks. This is a HUGE step!!

Notice the lumber that's off to the side of the work site - that's for framing, which is next. Also, notice we've removed the back room of the house - this is where the new entrance will be.

Taking a trip down memory lane... The room that has been removed is what younger sisters have most recently called their lounge/snack room. When I lived in the house ('01-'02 and '03-'04), this poor little space multi-tasked like it was nobody's business. We used it as a private study, storage, CLC bedroom, and even temporarily as a sister's bedroom in a pinch situation. Wonder what it was used for before all of that? This room was always in transition but inevitably ended up as the dumping ground for random storage items. I vividly remember the year I was a Recruitment co-chair for House Tours Committee and spent the summer doing random chores throughout the house with (sweet and oober-dedicated) committee members. One project was to clean and paint the study. But before we did, I took pictures of it. This is the room that is now gone forever! Farwell, study!

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About Me

I pledged in 2000, and that's when I first heard we were going to renovate the house. I graduated in 2004, moved to Atlanta where I now live with my fellow UGA grad (and AKL advisor) hubby Eric. Since 2006, I've been volunteering with HCB. I have been an Atlanta-area Realtor for the past 3 years and now also serve as the southeastern property manager for Chick-fil-A, Inc. You can reach me at: