My sweet parents met me at the house and we had a great time sorting through memories of what used to be where, my old rooms, all the new conveniences... A snack room where the powder room used to be? No more back stairwell? Things like that. Pretty surreal.
The egg hunt itself was very well planned, so hats off to the women behind that all! It's pretty funny how we all still respond to that big ole' Recruitment/dinner bell. After the actual hunt, there were well-presented snacks and drinks set up in the chapter room, families picniced on the front lawn. I'd estimate there were about 100 people there. 
Fun facts: At least three sets of twin boys there: Elizabeth Bagarozzi Hutcheson's, Tiffany Gray Gore's, and Ashlea Lindsey Soliday's. Great to see Cristin Smith Fanning back in Georgia! A special shout out another of my pledge sisters, Ashley Wheaton Smith who was there with her very new legacy, Miss Briley. Another equally new legacy Miss Hallie was there with mom Megan Hewitt Gayle. And tied for newest arrival, 8-week-old Asher Frame, with parents Bill and Jennifer Jarvis Frame.

Fun facts: At least three sets of twin boys there: Elizabeth Bagarozzi Hutcheson's, Tiffany Gray Gore's, and Ashlea Lindsey Soliday's. Great to see Cristin Smith Fanning back in Georgia! A special shout out another of my pledge sisters, Ashley Wheaton Smith who was there with her very new legacy, Miss Briley. Another equally new legacy Miss Hallie was there with mom Megan Hewitt Gayle. And tied for newest arrival, 8-week-old Asher Frame, with parents Bill and Jennifer Jarvis Frame.
I was especially impressed by the graciousness of our collegian sisters. A huge thank you to them for hosting us, for opening the house - and their rooms! - for us to tour. With Panhellenic's Spring Preview Day immediately following and their Formal that night, it was a full day. With all of that, not only did some brave soul occupy the easter bunny costume for several hours, but girls gave tours, assisted parents rangle kids for pictures, manned the welcome table... and all with smiles on their faces and great attitudes!
Looking forward to more open house opportunities... as soon as I know of them, I'll post and hope to see you there!